days until Bridget’s 50th birthday

Day 0 brings you a lullabye

This is a song inspired by you, a baby, new to the world. A lullabye reaching back in time to sing to little you. The world feels dangerous sometimes, but that danger leads to salvation when you least expect it. The song hopes to show that.

Lullabye for scary times

Look at the spider overhead
complicating another web
watch her catch that buzzing fly
Now that it's still we close our eyes

Close your eyes, dim the light
I'll watch over you tonight

Look at the swallow in the hay
flitting around the end of day
Snatching mosquitos on the wing
So we're not wakened by their sting

Close your eyes, dim the light
We won't need them tonight
Sight can't read our dreams
or understand what they mean
Close your eyes, my light
I'll watch over you tonight

Look at the predator and prey
Chasing throughout the livelong day
Shut your vision to their ends
No matter which way fate may bend

Close your eyes, dim the light
We won't need them tonight
Sight can't read our dreams
or understand what they mean
Close your eyes, my light
I'll watch over you tonight

I've got you
I'll keep you safe
And if when I stand to go
Your eyes spring open flashing fear
I'll pet your hair until you know
the world is safe and I am here

Close your eyes, dim the light
We won't need them tonight
Sight can't read our dreams
or understand what they mean
Close your eyes, my light
I'll watch over you tonight

Oh but the spider overhead
is so still you might think she's dead

go back home

What is this?

A celebration of you. A countdown of 50 days to your 50th birthday. Some presents and surpises along the way. Some recognition of who you are and why I love the you that you are. Happy birthday season, BB. Thank you for letting me celebrate you.